Baby Costume Sizes

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How quickly will my baby outgrow her costume?

Baby Costume Sizes

Before you know it, your bouncing baby will be a jumping toddler and a rollerblading teen. But you don't need to worry that the Tootsie Roll baby Halloween costume will become too small too rapidly. Your baby won't start to look like chocolate bursting out of the wrapper until she's twelve months old. Generally, some infant Halloween costumes are sized for newborns under six months, such as bunting costumes, and some for toddlers up to 24 months. Your baby isn't supposed to outgrow her costume too rapidly. If your baby has a lot of “baby fat,” you may have to have the costume altered, but babies usually lose that adorable plump-cheeked look as they grow. If you're buying a fairy infant costume from an Internet retailer, check the sizing chart and general size guidelines. If you're not sure about the costume, do some scouting offline. Ask about the sizing of your niece's infant toddler Halloween costume, especially if she's the same age as your baby. Kids grow up too fast these days, but at least you can make sure your little baby bunting won't outgrow his infant costume before it's time.



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