Baby Costumes With Feet

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Can my six-month-old wear a costume with legs?

Baby Costumes With Feet

Babies don't mind being cuddled close or staying still. It's only when they grow older that you can't keep up with them! Infant Halloween costumes for newborns and babies up to six months are designed for babies who like to lie around, be carried or ride in a stroller. The bunting “onesie” baby Halloween costume looks like swaddling, so your baby elephant won't actually jump up and trumpet since his costume doesn't have legs. When your baby starts to kick her infant costume the way she kicked when you were pregnant, it's time to move on to an elephant baby Halloween costume with legs, or a fairy infant costume. The rule of thumb is, if your baby can stand, it's time to retire the bunting baby Halloween costume. In the meantime, you can still enjoy cuddling your little lamb.



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