Baby Halloween Costumes for Less

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How do I save money on Halloween costumes for babies?

Baby Halloween Costumes for Less

Does your baby really need that stuffed elephant (she likes to play with boxes) or Tigger infant costume (he has a bedroom decorated with Tigger)?

You want to buy infant Halloween costumes, but you're feeling strapped for cash. If you have several costumes to buy, you might be able to save money on your little girl's infant fairy costume. For example, a pair of fairy wings attached to that party dress is perfect for your little angel. Give her some jewelry her sister has outgrown.

If your little boy or girl wants a spider baby Halloween costume, sew some old socks to a “onesie” and use stockings for legs and arms. Buy some gossamer stuffing and drape “spiderwebs” all over your infant costume. Use headband antennae to complete the effect. You can build a costume entirely out of accessories and some old clothes.

If you do decide to buy an infant costume, shop around for sales. Online retailers always post sale items. Many infant costumes are affordable, usually in the $7-$10 range. You love your kids, and while you might not have an endless bank account, you're forever happy with your personal wealth. Especially when your children smile at you.



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