Safe Baby Costumes

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How do I make baby costumes safe during Halloween?

Safe Baby Costumes

From the day he first gurgled, you knew your life would never be the same. Constant joy and constant worry...especially with studies trying to scare you about the latest child danger. You may worry about taking your baby out on Halloween night. Will the costume be bright enough? Will people be able to see you and your baby in the dark? What if your baby is on the floor during a party? Some hints for a safe and happy Halloween: * Only let your little baby bunting in a Sugar Babies infant costume lie by himself in an area just for infants. If he's on the floor, he won't be able to pull himself to safety, and that's not the fault of the baby Halloween costume. He may not have learned to crawl yet. * If you must be out at night, choose colorful infant Halloween costumes such as Tigger, a Snow White Ballerina or Cinderella ballerina, or Superman. A fairy infant costume has glitter. Put reflective tape on the wings. * Take your baby boy out in his baby Halloween costume with your younger children. The ideal time for going out is just after dinner, before dark. You have enough to worry about (and be happy over) in the years ahead. Don't waste Halloween happiness fretting over the safety of an infant toddle Halloween costume.



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