Children's Halloween Masks

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What masks can children choose?

Children's Halloween Masks

Boo! It's Frankenstein. It's a voodoo sorcerer. No—it's your child in a mask. You've already made sure the Darth Vader mask for a Star Wars kid costume fits correctly. But what about your son's puppy dog child Halloween costume mask? Here are same mask-tastic hints: * Unless you want your kids' eyes to bug out like Jim Carrey's, make sure the child costume mask fits right and the eyeholes are large enough. * Consider buying kid Halloween costume half-masks or masks with moving mouths for better comfort. After all, you don't want your child to be quiet because the mask is cutting off her oxygen. * Soft plush kid costume masks should be brushed so they don't get matted or tangled. * If your child is wearing a hat, move the child costume mask lover down on the forehead or stretch the witch's hat band over the little witch kid costume mask. Your child can now scare you, act heroic or charm you with cuteness, and unless you're wearing a mask, you won't be able to hide a smile.



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