Joke and Gag Costumes

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What kind of "gag" costumes can I wear?

Joke and Gag Costumes

You were always known as the class clown and you've even started doing local comedy clubs. It's no surprise that you've dreamed up funny costume ideas that play on your favorite gags at the home and the office. But will your wacky sense of humor go too far? Not so. Joke and gag funny adult costumes bring humor when everyone else brings horror. Some of our favorite former class clown funny Halloween costume ideas:

* Whoopie Cushion
* Dribble Glass--wear a round plastic cylinder and sprinkle confetti any time anyone tries to "drink"
* Toilet--although you're not known for toilet humor
* Keystone Kop or bumbling security guard costume
* Clown costumes, of course!
* Peanut brittle can full of snakes--don a fancy patterned shirt and black pants with plastic snakes hanging from your belt and/or taped to your shirt.

You always got laughs in class--even the teacher smiled. But this time you don't have to worry about detention or getting sent to the principal's office. Just worry about perfecting your stand-up routine on "The Tonight Show"!



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