Funny Medicine

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Can I wear funny doctor costumes?

Funny Medicine

Laughter is the best medicine, so start your own health care plan with funny costume ideas. You can wear doctor-and-nurse funny adult costumes with fake hypodermic needles and clown accessories. Remember all those classic circus routines? Clown doctors and nurses. Laughing gas. Madcap medicine!

If you're in more of a naughty mood, try a gyneocological funny costume. While inappropriate behavior isn't funny, even Patch Adams as played by Robin Williams tried humor at a gynecological convention. Just make sure everyone behaves responsibly--funny Halloween costumes don't seem so hysterical when you remember that you actually tried to play doctor under the influence of alcohol.

You can enjoy laughs from your funny Halloween costume ideas when you're sober and polite, if a little wacky. After all, the whole point of dressing as a comic doctor or nurse is to giggle at the things we don't like. You might cure everyone's spirits just by playing a doctor on TV, er, at the Halloween party. Now that's a health care plan we can all agree on.



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