Teenage Couple Costumes

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What are some good teenage couple costumes?

Teenage Couple Costumes

Sexy couple costumes for Halloween? Your parents would never let you out the front door! Avoid a horror scene if you're still in high school and try our fun teen couple Halloween costumes:

* Teen gangster moll or flapper and teen gangster costume for a guy
* Teen pirate lady or gypsy and teen pirate man
* Teen pop rock stars
* Teen cheerleader and jock
* Teen Gothic fairy and elf
* Teen hippies
* Shrek and Fiona
* Fred and Daphne, or Shaggy and Scooby-Doo
* Teen jester or medieval queen and medieval king or knight
* Peter Pan and Wendy
* Spider-Man and Mary Jane
* Teen Gothic fairy and Gothic vampire
* Teen wolfman and vampire

If your date suddenly turns into Dracula or Wolfman, just remind him (or her) that you're just out to have fun in teen couple costumes--then find another partner. Or better yet, use your parents as an excuse. They don't need to know, right?



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