Girl Group Halloween Costumes

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What kind of girl group Halloween costumes can we wear?

Girl Group Halloween Costumes

It's time for a girls' night out on the town and when the witching hour strikes, girls will let their hair hang down--no matter if it's a costume wig!

The girls just want to have fun with all-girl group Halloween costumes. Some of our favorite group Halloween costume ideas just for the ladies:

* Blue Man Group Halloween costumes--there are blue women too!
* Angels and she-devils
* Sexy and tough cowgirls
* Charlie's Angels or another female spy group
* Renaissance or Medieval women
* All-female bubblegum rock band
* Powerful women in history
* Powerful women today (dibs on dressing as Oprah, Condoleezza Rice, Laura Bush, Martha Stewart or Hillary Clinton!)

Women need a night together, dressing up, laughing, and letting loose just like women do. Get together with the women in your life and dream up some group Halloween costume ideas to share.



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