Ideas For Toddler Costumes

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What ideas do you have for toddler costumes?

Ideas For Toddler Costumes

Looking for ideas for toddler costumes? Toddler costumes run the gamut from charming to sophisticated. This is our list of fun ideas for the Halloween season:

  • For the budding space explorer, dress your toddler up as an astronaut with a helmet and NASA spacesuit.
  • For your mini knight in shining armor, let him battle dragons with a sword and a faux chain mail armor costume.
  • If your tot wants to take on the high seas, dress her up as a pirate with boot covers, bandana for her hair, and a black and white dress.
  • If your toddler is ready to do her best performance of Swan Lake this Halloween season, dress her up in ballerina slippers and a layered tulle dress with a crown.



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