Baby Costume Safety

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Baby Costume Safety

Dressing up your infant for Halloween can add to trick or treating festivities. Still, it's important to practice baby costume safety when dressing up your infant for Halloween. Here is our list of baby costume safety tips to follow:

  • Make sure your infant's costume doesn't include any binding or restrictive clothing.
  • Keep all small parts, and accessories away from your infant. Anything that might be a choking hazard should not be a part of your infant's costume no matter how cute or adorable the addition might be.
  • Don't use any masks and avoid using face paints on your infant.
  • If you'll be taking your infant out during trick or treating, make sure your stroller and you are highly visible. Use reflective tape if necessary to make yourself more noticeable.
  • Halloween costumes for your baby should be flame retardant. Check the label on your infant's costume.



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