An Infant Fairy Costume For Your Sweet Little One

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Can you give me ideas on an infant fairy costume for my baby?

An Infant Fairy Costume For Your Sweet Little One

Think your babe would look sweet as can be in an infant fairy costume? If you're set on dressing up your little one in an infant fairy costume, but short on ideas, read on for our suggestions on putting together your own infant fairy costume.

  • For the body, use a white or pale colored "onsie" in yellow, lavender, or pink.
  • For the skirt, add an infant tutu in a coordinating color. You can adorn the onsie and tutu with flowers for added charm. Make sure you attach the flowers securely and avoid any items which might be a choking hazard.
  • No fairy costume is complete without wings. You can purchase a small pair separately or make your own, using fabric and attaching it to the back and sleeves of the onsie.
  • Complete the fairy costume with a pretty infant headband and shoes.



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