How To Make A Toga Fit For A God

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How do you make a men’s toga?

How To Make A Toga Fit For A God

So you want to make your own toga, but not sure what to do with the piece of cloth? Learning how to make a toga for your next god or Roman character is a snap. Check out this guide on how to make a toga fit for a god.

1. To start making your men's toga, take one end of the cloth and place it at your waist.

2. Wrap the cloth around at least once so that it hangs about knee length. (You can always fold a wider material in half for thickness or to reduce the length.)

3. Take the remainder of the toga and throw it over the shoulder of your choice.

4. You can tuck or pin the fabric around the back at your waist level.

5. You can add accessories like sandals, armbands, swords, and a leaf crown on your head for your men's toga.



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