Four Theatrical Makeup Ideas

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Can you give me some ideas on characters to create with theatrical makeup?

Four Theatrical Makeup Ideas

For your next costumed event, don some theatrical makeup to add a dramatic effect to your look. If you want some ideas for theatrical makeup, take a look at our list of four ideas to try.

Bride of Frankenstein – To create this ghoulish bride, use a white base on your face and blend a bit of green to achieve the right skin tone. Darken the brows with liquid eye shadow. Shade cheeks and eyelids with a charcoal grey eye shadow. Finish off with your lips with black lipstick.

Grim Reaper – Use a white theatrical makeup base for the grim reaper. Using black liquid eyeliner, paint the outline of circles around your eyes. Then darken inside the area. Close the opposite eye as you paint over an eyelid. Paint a triangle on either side of your nose using black eyeliner. Finish by adding black lipstick to your mouth.

Wicked Witch – Use a green base theatrical makeup on your face and lips. Darken the eyebrows in an arch with liquid eye shadow. Using black eyeliner, darken brows in a severe arch.

Kabuki Face – Use a white base to cover your face and lips. Use loose powder to seal in the color. Use a brush and red theatrical makeup to draw a red arch under the eyes upwards from the edge of your nose to the outside edge of your face. Paint only your upper lip red. Dot two tear drop shapes at the edge of your mouth to appear as an extension of your mouth.

For theatrical makeup application that's an all in one process, get a theatrical makeup kit. Choose from characters such as Frankenstein, a skeleton, and a vampire. The theatrical makeup colors are chosen and provided for you. All you need to do is follow the convenient instructions to create your character.



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