Costume Masks For Your Halloween Costume

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Can you give me some ideas for a costume I can create with costume masks?

Costume Masks For Your Halloween Costume

Costume masks are a great way to start creating your Halloween costume or dress up for a masquerade event. You can become any character, person, or creature with costume masks. For some Halloween costume ideas, take a look at our list.

Turn into your favorite movie character for a day with a costume mask. Want to be the movie character V from V for Vendetta ? Get the mask, add a wig, and a top hat. Add a slim black suit, black cloak, and knee high black boots. Finish your costume off with black gloves and a black belt over your suit.

Dress up as your favorite political figure or turn the costume into a satire. For Hillary Rodham Clinton, get the mask, add a conservative navy blue suit, throw on a white blouse underneath, and you're good to go.

Go ape with a gorilla mask. Add a gorilla costume for full effect or dress up as usual as a clothed version.

Other political costume masks include Nixon, Clinton, George Bush, and Cheney. For animal costume masks, coordinate the outfit with matching accessories. If you decide to go as a gorilla in dressed up attire, all you need is the gorilla mask, gorilla feet, and gorilla hands.



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