Five Costumes With Glove Accessories

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Can you tell me what costumes I can use with glove accessories?

Five Costumes With Glove Accessories

Glove accessories can be an essential part to a number of costume possibilities. With a little imagination, glove accessories can go a long way to complimenting your outfit. Here are five ideas for costumes with glove accessories.

  • Short White Gloves – Use short white gloves and an all black outfit and you can be a mime. Don't forget the white face paint, red lips, and eye make-up as well.
  • Long White Gloves – These glove accessories can be added to a tacky bouffant dress to turn you into a bridesmaid. Get a prom dress, add blood, and you can turn your costume can turn into Carrie, from the 1976 horror flick.
  • Studded Biker Gloves – Burn rubber as a Hells Angel. Put on studded biker gloves, a black heavy metal tee, add jeans, and put on a bandana.
  • Buzz Lightyear Gloves – What toy going to infinity and beyond is complete without his gloves? Get these glove accessories for any adult or child Buzz Lightyear costume.
  • Spiderman Gloves – For the web spinning superhero, Spiderman gloves are essential.



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