Stumped for Costume Ideas? Start with a Mask.

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"It's already Halloween and I need a costume idea!"

Stumped for Costume Ideas? Start with a Mask.

You know how it goes: You spend all year dreaming about the cool costume you're going to put together, and then before you know it, it's already October 30th and you don't have a thing to wear! Here's an idea to throw together a makeshift costume that doesn't look so makeshift.

First, grab any cool mask you can find at the local drug store or department store. Second, raid your closet for clothes to match.

Roll your old suit or dress around in dirt to get that zombie look with your ghoul mask, or toss on an old apron splashed with red food coloring and go as a crazy old butcher with the geezer mask you found.

It doesn't matter what the mask is. Chances are you've got something in the closet, attic, basement or garage that will turn it from a cheap costume into a genius one.



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