How to Find the Best Cosplay Convention

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How to Find the Best Cosplay Convention

The world of cosplay is constantly expanding. Twenty years ago cosplay may have been seen as a niche thing but now it reigns supreme. What exactly is cosplay, though? Cosplay, an amalgam of the words "COSTUME" and "PLAY", is when a person creates a costume designed after a pop culture character and then they act out that character for fun.

The biggest gathering of these fans occurs at cosplay conventions. While it's true that there are conventions all over the world, some of the best conventions are in the US.

Probably the most famous cosplay convention is Comic-Con. Comic-Con is a convention designed for all of the different comic book, television, anime, and book fandoms to meet together. These are typically attended by celebrities and host the best of the best cosplay characters.

The most famous American cosplay convention is probably the San Diego Comic-Con. Anchored in sunny and warm California, and featuring an already huge populace, this Comic-Con is on the highest tier. Many cosplayers will plan their entire year around their attendance of this event.

If you aren't in California, or don't plan on making the trip, you can always take to the internet to find the best conventions around. A simple search for the right message board can lead an anxious cosplayer to many different events.

In fact, many cosplayers are now going into business for themselves and they are using the internet as their business platform. Checking out websites like: DeviantArt, Reddit, or even through Facebook can lead one to many of the best cosplayers and the conventions that they will be attending.



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