Removing Costume Make-Up

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How do I go about removing costume makeup?

Removing Costume Make-Up

After using our costume makeup kits and you are ready to get help remove costume make-up and cleanse the skin, follow these simple instructions. How you remove costume make-up and cleanse your face will contribute to how well your skin will look on a daily basis. With your fingertips, smooth cold cream over your entire face, using gently, circular motions until the foundation lifts off your skin onto the cream. As cold cream mixes with foundation and the color of the cream is no longer white, a thorough cleansing is taking place. Wipe your face clean with cotton squares. Avoid using tissus or other paper products to clean skin because many have abrasive properties. Wash your face with a cleansing soap and washcloth. Cleanse your pores with an astringent-soaked cotton ball or square. Finally, leave your skin refreshed with a thing layer of moisturizer.



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