Ideas for Unique Halloween Costumes

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What are some ideas for funny Halloween costumes?

Ideas for Unique Halloween Costumes

Here are some ideas for crazy costumes, funny Halloween costumes, strange costumes and unique Halloween costumes: a perky viking girl, a couples costumes as a wall plug and socket outlet, a big kahuna, an oversized biker, a bowling ball, a pack of cards, a joker card, a king of spades card, a queen of hearts card costume, a Christmas tree, a cheeseburger, a banana, a Campbell's soup can, a hot dog, a chili pepper, a gingerbread man, a hot sauce bottle a ketchup bottle, a mustard bottle, a sports referee, a SPAM can, a hoopla wacky tourist, a martini glass costume, an oversized bathing beauty hag, a mccrackin plumber, a scary tree, a tissue box, a sumo wrestler, a traffic light costume, a wet t-shirt winner, a woopie cushion costume or a turkey costume.



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